Your health, safety and well being are very important to us. During the Covid-19 outbreak, we are taking extra measures to be sure The Manual Touch environment is as safe as possible for anyone entering the clinic.
For some people, physically coming into the clinic for therapy will be necessary and advisable for your best outcomes, including:
- Recent surgery of any joint: shoulder, hip, knee, ankle, foot
- Balance issues
- Recent fall
- Recent injury such as an ankle sprain or knee sprain
- Inability to sleep because of pain
- Difficulty walking because of pain or balance
- Difficulty functioning because of pain
- Numbness or tingling in your legs or arms
We will also be offering virtual appointments via Telehealth services:
- I will be offering regular appointments for all physical therapy services
- Hand-on work can be done virtually if you have another person at home who can assist or you can be taught to do self hands on treatment
- All services rendered via Telehealth will be billed as usual
- Telehealth appointments are done via a HIPAA-compliant Zoom channel
What we are doing to protect you:
- As always, your therapy appointment will be 1-on-1 with a therapist and no one else in the clinic
- Therapist will be wearing a mask
- Patient appointments will be spread out to limit amount of people in clinic at one time
- Increased diligence to clean all surfaces and equipment that have been touched between all patients using a natural disinfectant
- All door handles and bathroom surfaces will be wiped down multiple times during the day
- At the end of the day a thorough cleaning will be completed with a disinfectant
- Increased use of hand sanitizer throughout the day as well as continued washing hands between all patients
Some things we ask of you:
- Please wash your hands upon entering and leaving the clinic
- Please wear a mask
- If you think you might be sick or exposed, please cancel your appointment – there will be no cancellation fees
- If you have traveled recently by plane or bus, please postpone your PT visits for 2 weeks
- Continue to do your PT homework if you cannot get here
- Schedule a phone meeting with me if you have any questions or concerns
Thank you and be well,
Denise Schwartz, Owner
The Manual Touch Physical Therapy