Have you been to the gym working out on the elliptical, happened to look at the person next you, and noticed brightly colored tape wrapped around their shoulder? Or maybe […]
What can Physical Therapy do For Arthritis?
Arthritis is inevitable. Kind of like car rust or wearing away of your car brakes. Arthritis is when a joint becomes inflamed and typically feels stiff and painful. The most […]
When Should I See a Physical Therapist?
I am one of those fortunate people who does not have lower back pain. Of course, over my lifetime I’ve had a few moments of lower back pain, more specifically, […]
3 Ways Physical Therapy Changes Lives
Since its inception in the 19th century, physical therapy has revolutionized the way we treat pain. Now in October, National Physical Therapy Month, we celebrate the history of this great […]
The Downside of Working from Home: Back and Neck Pain
2020 will go down in history as the year the pandemic turned the world upside down. By mid-March, the pandemic officially hit the Chicago area. Office workers were sent to […]