How did you get involved in running, triathlon and cyclocross? Growing up in India, I was never physically active even falling behind in regular kid’s play. In 2008, I surpassed […]
Senior Women Walk Across America Inspiring Others to ‘Accomplish Big Goals’
Two years ago, while visiting my daughter in Tampa to run the Gasparilla half marathon, we had a chance encounter with three amazing senior women. Before running the half marathon, […]
What the Heck is Physical Therapy (PT)?
Denise’s definition of Physical Therapy (PT): Physical Therapists are movement experts working with people of all ages, from infants to the elderly, who understand how the body is supposed to […]
Finding your Path
In May, my daughter, Jenna, graduated from the University of Tampa and is one of the lucky ones to already have a job post-graduation. However, this is not unexpected, as […]
Patient Spotlight – Kayleigh: Why Do You Run?
Why do you Run? I like to compete and do well in races. Running makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something even though while racing I feel like I’m dying. […]